Body Sculpting, Cellulite Treatments, & Fat Elimination

Concern: Loss of Volume, Loose/Lax Skin, Tone
Cause: Aging, Sun Damage, Genetics, Dramatic Weight Loss
Correct: Increase volume and lift, with this ground-breaking treatment. The world of cosmetic medicine is evolving with organic procedures like Adipose Stem Cell Therapy and Fat Transfers to utilize the power of each patient’s body to regenerate and heal itself. By harvesting stem cells from your fat tissues, separating out the fat, and then inserting the remaining mixture into your body, distinctive aesthetic enhancements may be achieved. Fat transfers are a comprehensive procedure of transferring unwanted fat from the body in areas such as the hips or thighs, to areas that have lost fat or volume such as the face or cheeks from aging or weight loss. Adipose Stem Cell Therapy with Fat Transfer is a natural solution to increase volume in areas of the face and body without the use of artificial implants or fillers. This technique is revolutionizing all aspects of cosmetic procedures with advanced sculpting methods to provide natural, youthful, and long-lasting results, minus the surgery.

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